Leeds Teaching Hospitals Midwives Facebook Page

Posted by: Mark - Posted on:

Leeds Teaching Hospitals Midwives Facebook Page

The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust have released an E-midwife page! πŸ‘‹

The aim of this page is to provide information for women and their families in the Leeds area about maternity services during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. ℹ️

The page aims to share news, updates and health advice to promote and protect the health of you, your pregnancy and your baby.🀰

This page will be monitored by a staff member from the maternity department 1-2 times per day between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Comments may be turned off on some posts. Non-urgent queries can be sent to the page via direct message. πŸ’»πŸ“±πŸ“©

Urgent queries πŸš¨πŸ“ž
If you have an urgent problem related to your pregnancy, but not related to coronavirus, then please contact Maternity Assessment at your booked hospital; 0113 3926731 for the LGI, or 0113 2065781 for St James’s.

COVID-19 advice line πŸ¦ β„ΉοΈπŸ“ž
We have also set up a telephone advice line for pregnant women booked to deliver at Leeds. This advice line is to assist with any non-urgent queries you may have regarding COVID-19 relating to your pregnancy and your on-going care.
The call handler will be a midwife and is available Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.
COVID-19 advice line: 07464 907978

NHS 111 πŸ¦ πŸ“±πŸ’»
If you are concerned you have symptoms of coronavirus please use the NHS 111 online service.